The moment I woke

For a few seconds after I opened my eyes this morning, I felt light and free. Everything felt…okay. There was nothing inherently wrong.

Then my mind kicked in. I remembered that I had felt depressed yesterday. The memory crushed me like a truck. My body became heavy, sick, geared up for insurmountable challenges.

I realised the difference very quickly, but I could not – and still can’t – ‘undo’ the impact of that thought this morning. It had set the wheels in motion and I am trapped beneath them, letting them run me over repeatedly.

All I can do is watch and know this state of mind is not reality. It is not me. My mind and body are having a tough time just now. Adding pressure to feel better isn’t really going to work. It is how it is at the moment.

I am visiting my son later which is better for me than sitting at home at my laptop. Maybe that will help, maybe it won’t, but I will keep moving through the day and remembering that this too will pass.

And that moment upon waking is a gift to hold (not cling) onto.

4 thoughts on “The moment I woke

  1. I love your plan to keep moving through the day. I also find listening to uplifting music does wonders for lifting / altering my mood. And the music keeps me moving through those things that seem insurmountable at times. 💕

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  2. I love your plan to keep moving through your day. I often listen to music to keep me moving. Feeling heavy is like feeling out of tune with my higher self, and playing the right music helps me to ‘forget self’ and just get on with it. Here’s to movement and getting on with it! 💕

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